Cabra Negra - Camino a la victoria

Calvarium Funestus - Wolves' final battle

Cân Bardd - My ancestors

Cân Bardd - Between hope and reality

Carn Dûm - Nacht

Carn Dûm - Nirnaeth Arnoediad

Chronos - Guerreros de Metal

Clandestine Blaze - Intro / Clandestine blaze

Cobra - Sin miedo a morir

Countess - Alone against the world

Countess - Fire and blood

Countess - Children of the North Star

Countess - Hymn to the Gods of Yore

Countess - Since man has wielded swords

Countess - Forgotten

Craft - Terror propaganda

Crom - Man of iron (Bathory cover)

Cryptic Wintermoon - Grave without a name

CrystalMoors - Heathenwood

Cuero y Metal - Gritarás al viento

Cuero y Metal - Vikingo

Cyhiriaeth - Heathen Iberian

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